St. Louis Post-Dispatch e-Edition



1 Fencing lunge

7 Large wine bottles 14 Derisive imitator 20 Theater area

21 U.S. soccer star Megan 22 Chimney flue, e.g. 23 Start of a riddle 26 Woes

27 Ketchup’s color 28 “The Great Gatsby”


29 Running the show,

for short

31 Illinois’ tree

33 Twisty letter 34 Riddle, part 2 44 Made gentle 45 Source of some milk 46 Source of some milk 47 Earthy color

48 Dark deli breads 49 Kind of internalcombustion engine 52 Bygone jet, for short 53 Just one sip 54 Riddle, part 3 58 Throw lightly

59 Shoe tip

60 Puzzle cube creator


61 Cousins of counties 63 Etchings, e.g. 64 Baseball hitter’s stat 65 Shows’ actors

67 With 83-Down,

Idaho’s nickname 68 TV drama of 2000-15 71 10K or marathon 73 Con job

74 Fabled bird 75 Japanese wrestling 78 Riddle, part 4 82 Ionize, e.g. 84 Pioneered 85 Alternative to Roy


86 Slightly

87 Protruding belly


88 Tax mo.

89 Tax pro

90 Ghana’s largest city 91 End of the riddle

97 — -Cat

98 Raw metal

99 Rip up

100 It fixes off-key


105 “I’d say,” to texters 107 Simple wind


112 Riddle’s answer

115 Enkindle

116 Peanut, castor bean

or canola

117 Long pastry

118 Earned after taxes 119 Cozies up

120 Taco exteriors


1 Quick haircut

2 Old 45 player 3 Performs like

Cardi B

4 Title beekeeper of a

1997 film

5 Raged violently 6 Subjects of


7 City in central


8 “— -di-dah!”

9 On — with (much


10 Distribute

11 At a future point in


12 Trio before Q 13 Blood fluids 14 Simba’s father in

“The Lion King” 15 Unfilled part of a


16 PC key near Shift 17 2009-10 “American Idol” judge Dioguardi 18 Scraped (out) 19 Funny Foxx 24 Viking Ericson 25 Funeral poem 30 Assemblage 32 Mouths or faces,

slangily 34 Tiers

35 Singer Swift

36 Eggy entree 37 Remainder 38 Seaport on Italy’s


39 “That’s a lie!” 40 Future docs’ exams 41 Very, very

42 Match divisions 43 Very, in Paris 49 Long-winded 50 Limited

51 Gold, in Gijon 52 Edinburgh

inhabitant 53 Patterned wool


55 Long deli sandwich 56 “Barnaby Jones” star


57 Major protest

62 Kind of internalcombustion engine 65 Mollycoddle 66 Battery liquid 68 Thing relied on for


69 Like a day in

June, per a Lowell poem

70 Roofing problem in

cold weather

71 In favor of the idea 72 Activist Nader 73 Long deli sandwich 75 Garbage boat 76 “Nothin’ doin’”

77 — Hari (spy)

79 Stare stupidly 80 Unravels

81 Envoy’s skill

83 See 67-Across 88 Woe

89 One who may study


90 CIA spy Ames 92 Accustomed

93 Test runs

94 Triads, e.g. 95 Western U.S. gas


96 Things raked in


100 Neat as —

101 Compulsion

102 Color slightly

103 Fail to include

104 Inflation subj.

106 Pitcher Hershiser 108 Inactive

109 Actress Patricia

110 Edible bit of a pomegranate or litchi

111 Estonia and Latvia,

once: Abbr.

113 Go fast, quaintly

114 — Wee Reese





St. Louis Post Dispatch